
“Feel amazing and perform at your ultimate best”

- Dr. Dario Mirian, DC DOMP CCSP ICSC

Dr. Dario mirian DC DOMP CCSP ICSC

Dr. Dario Mirian also known as '“Dr. D” is an innovative sports chiropractor, osteopathic practitioner, performance specialist, focusing on sports injuries, performance enhancement, pain management, rehabilitation, recovery and injury prevention. He graduated from York University with a Bachelor of Arts with Honors in psychology. He earned his Doctorate of Chiropractic at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. He utilizes a unique system that incorporates performance medicine to further enhance the body’s physical capacity to breakdown scar tissue, enhance mobility of joints, increase neuro-muscular function, increase proper postural tone, adapt to strenuous repetitive movements and a faster recovery from an injury or delayed onset muscle soreness.

Dr. Mirian has experience treating athletes, neurological disorders, neuropathic pain, motor vehicle accidents, fractures, pre-and post-surgical rehabilitation and concussion patients. Currently, he is the team trainer and team Chiropractor for the Vaughan Kings AAA Hockey Club. Dr. Mirian has been a consultant to athletes from the UFC, MLS, OHL, USHL, NCAA, KHL, NHL and MLB.


  • Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician (CCSP)

  • Internationally Certified Sports Chiropractor (ICSC)

  • Neurofunctional Sports Performance Practitioner

  • Diploma of Osteopathic Manual Practitioner (DOMP)

  • Medical acupuncture provider




Chiropractic is the field that focuses on your spine, muscle, and nervous system and treat the bones, muscles, soft tissues, ligaments and joints that you use in your daily living. The expertise of chiropractors is to assess, diagnose, and treat conditions and injuries related to the spine, muscle, ligaments and nervous system. Osteopathic medicine tackles as well the spine muscles, ligaments, joints and also organs.

Conditions treated and managed by chiropractors and osteopathic practitioners are the following:

  • Sprains/strains

  • Sports injuries

  • Osteitis pubis

  • Pre/Post Surgery Rehab

  • Disc Herniation

  • Posture

  • Headaches

  • Concussion management

  • Pain management

  • Stenosis

  • Illiotibial Band (ITB) Syndrome

  • Plantar Fasciitis, Heel Spurs, and Arch Pain

  • Athletic Performance

  • Tendinitis/Tendinopathy

  • Bursitis

  • Calcific tendinosis

  • Rotator cuff tear

  • Arthritis

  • ACL/PCL tear

  • Meniscus tear

  • Labral tear

  • Scoliosis

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • TMJ Dysfunction (TMD)

  • Jumper’s Knee

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Nerve Entrapments and "Pinched Nerves"

  • Shin Splints



Storz Radial and Focused Shockwave therapy

It is a pain free procedure that uses radial pulse on the affected muscles or tendon. It produces inflammation in order for the body to start healing. The most common conditions that are treated with this are achilles tendonitis, bicep tendonitis, bursitis, myofascial pain, plantar fasciitis and calcific tendinosis.

Frequency specific microcurrent

It is a new system of treatment that uses microamperage current and the resonance effects of frequencies on tissues and conditions to modulate changes in symptoms and overall well being. It is a completely non-invasive and pain free procedure that is commonly used for disc problems, arthritis, inflammation, and muscle pain.

concussion management

When a patient or athlete suffers from a concussion, it is important to administer a treatment protocol to assist with a faster recovery. Treatment may include, but is not limited to neutraceuticals, muscle release therapy and traditional Chinese acupuncture.


It is an instrument designed to reduce fascial restrictions and scar tissue. This tool will result in decreased pain and improvement in the range of motion (ROM). It stimulates connective tissue remodelling through resorption of excessive fibrosis.

Litecure CLASS 4 lASER therapy

This treatment involves using photomodulation to enhance cells at a rapid rate. It speeds up healing at a faster rate while decreasing inflammation and swelling. This laser is currently used in the NHL, MLB and NBA. It can be used for fracture healing, tendonitis, bursitis, sprains/strains, disc herniation and much more.

Cupping therapy

The cups are placed on the body with suction. The treatment is approximately 10-15mins in order to stimulate blood flood and release any muscular restriction. This treatment is safe and painless.

Active release therapy

This therapy is a hands on approach that releases tension within a specific muscle. It is used to release adhesions, stiffness and muscular tension.

neurofunctional acupuncture

A neuroanatomical approach that stimulates the central nervous system and peripheral nerves. The needles are clipped with electricity in order to stimulate the nerve and muscles. It is commonly used for athletic performance and recovery.

Fascial Distortion Model (FDM)

FDM is a method of recognizing the source of pain or injury by the patient's description of their symptoms. Fascial distortions are resolved with a hands-on approach through deep pressure application.

Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT)

This machine is used to treat Degenerative joint diseases, Signs of wear and tear, e.g. arthrosis (knee, hip, hands, shoulder, elbow), herniated disc, spondylarthrosis, pain therapy (Chronic) pain, e.g. back pain, lumbalgia, tension, radiculopathies, heel pain; Sport injuries
(Chronic) inflammation of tendons and joints, tendon overload syndrome, osteitis pubis and fractures.

Rehab Exercises

As part of the recovery process or injury prevention component, it is imperative to assign exercises that involve stretches, strengthening exercises, movement re-education, balance/proprioceptive training and sport-specific exercises.

Spinal Manipulations

It is a high velocity, low amplitude thrust applied to the joint. A cavitation or a “pop” may occur when the thrust is applied. It is a safe and comfortable treatment. It can assist with mobility and pain.

Joint mobilizations

A manual therapy involving passive movement that is performed to move a joint. It is a completely gentle approach to help relieve pain and assist with joint mobility.


Sports Science and Performance

This program of care is designed for the athlete that is looking to enhance their sport specific performance due to feeling sluggish, stiff, tight, lacking strength and wanting to feel lighter. If you are looking to get an edge, this is the perfect system for you. Each program is unique and different for each athlete.

Dr. Mirian will take a thorough evaluation of your biomechanics and tailor a specific regimen for you. This includes a neurofunctional assessment followed by a treatment that is tailored to enhance your performance. The neurofunctional assessment evaluates range of motion, proprioception/balance, muscle recruitment, specific sport movements and joint mobility. The types of treatments used are cutting edge techniques such as fascial distortion model, spinal manipulations, micro-conditioning, neurofunctional acupuncture, active release and osteopathic techniques. Part of this program is also to provide specific exercises that will address neuro-muscular function and more recruitment of your central nervous system. Sports nutrition is another aspect that receives attention in your care. The end result is to ensure injury prevention, career longevity, increase movement precision and maximize your sport specific performance.

in home treatment (House Calls)

Get treated in the comfort of your home and/or hotel. Dr. Mirian will come to your home and provide his services.

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book with Dr. Mirian


North York and Maple

In-home Treatments and Hotel Treatments available as well

Call 647-298-8222 for inquiries